To the Georgia Cattlewomen Members

The Officers and Board of Directors would like to thank all the members of the Georgia Cattlewomen's Association (GCWA). Without your membership, the programs and activities that GCWA participates in and supports would not be possible. The Cattlewomen would also like to thank the sponsors who have donated to the association over the years as well as everyone who donated at the Hospitality Booth at the Beef Expo. Donations at the hospitality booth help support the Cattle Drive for Hunger Campaign. Another thank you goes out to everyone who participates in the Raffle Drawing every year at the Georgia Cattlemen's Association's Convention. Money raised for the raffle drawing helps support the two scholarships the Georgia Cattlewomen's Association awards every year. Membership dues help support the Georgia Junior Beef Futurity showmanship awards as well as the Scholarships and the Cattle Drive for Hunger. Members play an important role in making these programs possible. Again, thank you to all the members of the Georgia Cattlewomen's Association. 

 If you are not a member and would like to become one, please hit the join button. You can also send a check for $15.00 made payable to GCWA (Georgia Cattlewomen's Association). and mail to:  GCWA  P.O. Box 27990 Macon, GA  31221


To view GCWA By-Laws click here.